As parents ourselves, we know how stressful and worrying heading to a new school can be. That's why we are once again offering our new families the opportunity to receive the Boca High PTSA weekly newsletter and access to our website for FREE!
If you know any new families who will be joining us at Boca High in the upcoming school year, please send this information their way:
Simply email our membership chairs at bocahighptsamembership@gmail.
Though it may be summer break for some, there are still a lot of school related happenings - on and off campus - and our goal is to make sure you know about as many of them as possible. Need course schedule assistance? We can help! How many community service hours does your student need? We have the answer! What is Freshman Bootcamp? We know that too!
Memberships for the 2024-2025 school year will also be available beginning June 1, 2023, so you will never miss out on any information. There are memberships for parents and students, as well as gift memberships for our faculty and staff.
You can also find information on our Facebook and Instagram pages!
We can't wait to meet our new Bobcat families and wish you an amazing summer!
Why join PTSA?
- Be "in the know!" Keep up with what is happening on campus and our community via our weekly email newsletters, website, and social media accounts.
- Have all of the resources you need at your fingertips.
- Meet other "like-minded parents" who care about the success of their children.
- Become involved - we appreciate every and any moment you wish to volunteer. However, we DO NOT require volunteering with your membership.
- Students have the opportunity to earn a scholarship in their senior year.
- Teachers have the opportunity to apply for our exclusive PTSA grants AND we have compiled a huge list of other grants. Again, resources at your fingertips.
- Fund educational scholarships
- Help provide volunteers for school activities
- Honor exceptional student accomplishments
- Host educational presentations (general meetings)
- Communicate events to students & families (newsletter, website, & social media)
- Help fund campus enhancement projects
- Offer community service hours
- Financially assist grad events and Bobcat clubs
Parents, Students, and Teachers, please join PTSA! Support our kids during these final years of school. Your involvement sends a powerful message of love and support while offering you an adult peer group with great insight, the potential for new friendships, and a wonderful basis for information.
Would you like more reasons to join - click HERE. Sign up today and have daily access right at your fingertips for up-to-date information and happenings around Boca High. We look forward to you becoming part of our organization and making a difference at our school.
Annual Membership is ONLY $10 per parent or student and $5 per faculty/teacher.
- Go to
- Click on the Become A Member
- Select "Create Account" and fill in the name, email, and password information. (NOTE: the email address entered will be used to log into your account)
- Click "verify my email" and then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in 2 hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders.
EMAIL VERIFICATION: When your account has been created for the first time, an email invitation is sent from Membership Toolkit to verify that it is a valid email address. The email invitation for creating a new account is only valid for 2 hours, so if you are not able to access your email in that time frame, please contact our Membership Chair.
- Once you have verified your email address, log back in, and finish the registration process.
- Complete the Parent/Family and Student Information
This year's membership expires on June 30, 2024.
Membership Chairs
Lizette Martinez & Jodi Shegota
Feel free to contact our Membership Chairs by sending them an email.
If you no longer want to receive emails from BRCHS PTSA use the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email you have received.
Updated: 05/08/24
Upcoming Events
(Click on links for more info)
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Friday, April 4
- Wednesday, April 9
- Friday, April 11
- Monday, April 14
- Monday, May 12
- Tuesday, May 13
- Saturday, May 17