WHEN: Monday, January 22 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (juniors and seniors) and Tuesday January 23 (freshman and sophomores) from 10:45 am to 1:00 pm
WHERE: Courtyard
HOW: Please click the link above and review the available slots to sign up. You will be handing out t-shirts and ice cream to students in the courtyard. Sign in at the front office. Thank you!
When you volunteer, everyone benefits! There are many opportunities for parents, students and community members to get involved! Your help is needed! Throughout the year we will post information on upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Thank you in advance for your support of Boca Raton Community High School and the PTSA.
The list of needs a volunteer can fill is endless and the special talents of volunteers cannot be purchased. Every community has available talent and resources that will benefit the PTSA and, in turn, the students. People will be more supportive of public education when asked to share some of their time as volunteers. A volunteer can be many things: a role model for students, an extra pair of hands to help teachers or staff, and a liaison between the school and community.
New volunteer procedures
All volunteers must complete the volunteer registration on the computer in the main office. Please allow extended time to fill out the initial registration process. After being cleared volunteers need to sign in and out on the computer every time when arriving and leaving campus, as well as have the front office staff sign them in through Raptor. Volunteers will need extra time when showing up to volunteer so they are not late to designated areas of service.
We have plenty of opportunities for volunteering. We will need both parent and student volunteers to help make our programs a success - from the College & Career Fair to the Annual Auction to the various Teacher's Appreciation events and more! You can even be part of our PTSA Board or one of our committees.
Who Can Be a Volunteer?
Working parents, stay-at-home parents, young adults, grandparents–basically anyone can be an invaluable PTSA volunteer. The volunteer does not have to be a college graduate and can be young or middle-aged, work outside the home or within the home, or be retired.
What Skills Are Required?
While there is always a need for those with expertise in a given area such as communications, marketing, social media, legislation, etc., any volunteer with a desire to learn new skills who is willing to actively participate and follow-through is welcome to submit an application.
Why Do People Volunteer?
Most people will volunteer because they have specifically been asked. And, of course, many will volunteer for fun and socialization. In addition, many people volunteer with PTSA to:
Take Action, It’s Time to Get Involved
Whatever your reasons for wanting to volunteer, we welcome any member to apply for a committee position, volunteer to help lend a hand for one of our many programs - Auction, College Fair, Reflections, Teacher & Staff Appreciation, or one of the other PTSA sponsored events. Please contact any of our board members to volunteer your time.
Upcoming Events
(Click on links for more info)
- Tuesday, March 4
- Wednesday, March 5
- Saturday, March 8
- Sunday, March 9
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12