Are you interested in becoming a PTSA Board Member, but don't know what the job entails?  You have come to the right place.  The following are the descriptions for the current PTSA Board & Committee positions.

  • The positions highlighted in yellow are the Officer positions that are needed to run our PTSA.
  • If a position is in red type, this is an open position.


Do you want to be more engaged at our school?  Get involved and shadow for one of the following positions next year.  Be part of an amazing team that gets to be part of solutions that benefit ALL of the students on campus. Learn before you commit.  


We would love to have your talents, skills, opinions, and help.  Interested?  Email our PTSA Nominating Chair.



(May only serve two years)


Qualifications:  It is recommended that the President serve on the Board in a previous Officer, Chair, or Committee member capacity, or as a member of another PTSA/PTA Board before serving as President. 

  • As the presiding officer, maintain a fair and impartial position at all times and encourage members to participate.  Should the presiding officer feel that it is important to speak on an issue or debate on any motion, he or she should vacate the chair before speaking.
  • Keep a current copy of bylaws, standing rules, and budget.
  • Be familiar with Roberts Rules of Order
  • Attend the annual Florida PTA Leadership Conference.
  • Responsible for leading PTSA toward specific goals chosen by its members. 
  • Complies with the bylaws of the Boca High PTSA. 
  • Creates agendas for and is the presiding officer at Board and General Meetings. 
  • Acts as the primary liaison between PTSA and the school administration and coordinates PTSA events with the school’s Principal. 
  • Becomes familiar with the duties of each committee chair and offers support where needed.
  • Works closely with school administration to coordinate PTSA activities with the school calendar. 
  • Appoints chairpersons of association committees with the approval of the executive board.
  • Coordinates the work of the officers, and committee chairpersons of the organization, in order that the objectives may be accomplished. 
  • Plans and executes the old board/new board (transfer of power/role) event to facilitate the transfer of duties from outgoing to incoming executive and committee chairs. 
  • Be a co-signer on the bank account (all checks must have 2 signatures) 
  • Maintains constant communication with the board on all actions, and copy board on all communications
  • Chairs the Bylaws Committee and review bylaws and standing rules annually, formal adoption of new Standing Rules and/or bylaws when needed
  • Reserves building space as needed for meetings
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.

Vice President, Aide to the President

Qualifications:  It is recommended that the Vice-President served on the Board in a previous Officer, Chair, or Committee member capacity, or as a member of another PTSA/PTA Board before serving as Vice President. 

  • Keeps the President informed of PTSA activities on an ongoing basis.
  • Keeps a current copy of bylaws, standing rules, and budget.
  • Serves as the aide to the president and presides in the event of their absence. 
  • Works with the President to make sure meeting minutes are signed by the Recording Secretary and sent to the Website Chair for publication. 
  • Works with the President to coordinate the documentation necessary for submitting PTA/PTSA awards and grants.
  • Attends meetings of the board and general membership 
  • May serve as one of the signatories on all checking/bank accounts
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.

Qualifications: Must have a working knowledge of accounting methodology. 

  • Keeps the President informed of PTA activities on an ongoing basis.
  • Keeps a current copy of bylaws, standing rules, and budget.
  • Attends the Florida PTA Leadership Conference.
  • Responsible for monitoring the inflow and outflow of all PTSA funds. 
  • Prepare Annual Budget and monthly financial reports for Executive Board meetings as well as regularly scheduled PTSA general membership meetings. 
  • Coordinate with Presidents, committee chairs, and other responsible parties to make deposits, pay all authorized bills promptly, and monitor expenses to budget. 
  • Reconciles bank accounts and keep orderly records. 
  • Ensures insurance requirements are maintained and dues are paid. 
  • Submits annual tax returns and prepares books for annual audit.
  • Presents audit report to the membership 
  • Prepares Form 990 tax return and files with the IRS timely by the required due date
  • Applies for sales tax exemption status every five years.  
  • Prepares and submits an application with Florida DOR one month before the expiration date on the most current exemption certificate
  • Receives and distributes all the monies of the PTA and maintains an accurate record of the receipts and expenditures. 
  • Have checks signed by two officers, preferably the treasurer and the president. 
  • Have the books ready for audit review on or before July 10th of each year (i.e: 10 days after the close of the preceding fiscal year). 
  • Presents audit report to the membership for adoption by the general membership at the 1st general meeting. 
  • Provides timely annual premium payment for Officers’ liability and insurance renewal 
  • Makes deposits of collected funds and makes authorized disbursements of funds. 
  • Be responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the association.
  • Makes available all books and financial records for viewing by members upon request and for audit.
  • Maintains all approved minutes, agendas, and other documentation presented at each meeting. 
  • Track PayPal or fund collection software for annual or auction giving contributions.
  • Coordinates with the Fundraising Chair for deposit information and tracking.
  • Works with the Fundraising Chair for annual auction accounting
  • Attends meetings of the board and general membership 
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board. Assist with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.
Recording Secretary

Qualifications: Familiar with Google Docs and general electronic communications methods

  • Attends meetings of the board and general membership
  • Records meeting minutes at all Board and General Membership meetings. 
  • Sends the first draft to the President for review. 
  • At each Board meeting, presents the minutes from the previous meeting for board approval.  
  • Signs and records meeting minutes, in accordance with Bylaws.
  • Distributes the approved minutes to the Website Chair for posting on our website.
  • Maintains and distributes a contact list for all board and committee members. 
  • Distributes copies of meeting minutes to all board members. 
  • Maintains all approved minutes, agendas, and other documentation presented at each meeting
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.
Corresponding Secretary

Qualifications: Familiar with Google Docs and general electronic communications methods

  • Delivers all PTSA correspondence to the president for approval by president and principal prior to distribution to school, community, or staff
  • Keeps a current copy of bylaws, standing rules, and budget.
  • Manages the Boca High PTSA email and distributes the inquiries to the appropriate person. Works with the President and makes copies of the board and general membership meeting agendas and minutes
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends meetings of the board and general membership 
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.



College Fair Chair / Co-Chair

Qualifications: None

  • Coordinates the annual College Fair event
  • Allow students to interact with admission representatives from a wide range of post-secondary institutions
  • Helps plan and host this important event that allows students to connect with college representatives and usually takes place in late September / early October
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.
Drive Safely Campaign Chair

Qualifications: None

  • Coordinates the annual Drive Safely event
  • Seeks sponsors or donors for the event
  • Works with the administration to coordinate the on-campus event
  • Helps plan and host to allow students to appreciate the dangers of drinking or texting while driving.
  • Schedules event to coordinate near and before Boca High Prom 
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Fundraising Committee Chair

Qualifications: Be generally available by email and cell phone most of the time; Be detail-oriented, with strong organizational skills.

  • Coordinates the Annual Auction event for Boca High PTSA, which could include selecting a venue, work on publicity, overseeing auction subcommittees, and other details associated with the event. The bulk of the Auction work takes place between January and March.
  • Attends monthly board meetings.
  • Develops fundraising campaign goals and objectives.
  • Develops fundraising campaign donation solicitation letters.
  • Publicizes the campaign via flyers, social media, PTSA Website, and any other marketing avenue
  • Sends acknowledgments to donors
  • Oversees collection and accounting of fundraising donations.
  • Track PayPal or fund collection software for annual or auction giving contributions.
  • Coordinates with the Treasurer on deposit information and tracking.
  • Provides information to Website Chair for annual giving
  • Works with the Administration to plan key fundraising dates
  • Assigns duties to important volunteer positions (committee members)
  • Oversees training for all fundraising volunteer coordinators.
  • Drives the fundraising timeline.
  • Interfaces with local businesses regarding services (donors, sponsorships, etc)
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Grant Chair

Qualifications:  Just a simple commitment to our teachers and staff

  • While not required, it is recommended that the current Treasurer sit on the Grant Committee
  • Advises teachers and staff of grant opportunities available
  • Ensures compliance with all grant requests
  • Responsible for scheduling and facilitating Grant Committee meetings to address and vote on pending grant requests
  • Coordinates with Treasurer to pay all authorized grants promptly, and monitor budget expenses
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Grant Committee Member

Qualifications:  None

  • Reviews and votes on grant requests.
Hospitality Chair

Qualifications: None

  • Secures food and drinks for General Memberships meetings
  • Hosts the General Membership meetings 
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Membership Chair & Co-chair

Qualifications: None

  • Uses Membership Toolkit (our PTSA software), or any other than chosen software [training modules available]
  • Enters all check and cash paid by PTSA members into Membership Toolkit
  • Monitors Membership Toolkit for “pending” orders and converts them into “paid” members
  • Updates membership database 
  • Coordinates, secures volunteers, and attends in-person Freshman Orientation Night to garner and collect PTSA memberships
  • Coordinates, secures volunteers, and attends Open House PTSA membership table
  • Attends other on-campus events to promote PTSA membership
  • Uses graphic creating software, including Canva, or other chosen software, to create and distribute membership promotional materials
  • Purchases student, staff, and faculty giveaways to promote membership (ie pencils, candy, lip balm, etc)
  • Keeps track of and reports to the Board and general membership the current number of active members
  • Coordinates with Treasurer to ensure all membership dues (County Council and Florida PTA) are timely paid 
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Newsletter Chair 

Qualifications: If you can type, you can do this job.  There is online video training with the software company.

  • Manages weekly electronic newsletter
  • Gathers information and sends out a weekly email newsletter to parents of students. 
  • Advises PTSA student reporters. 
  • Responsible for maintaining and confirming Boca High calendar information with the Administration Office. 
  • Works with the Boca High PTSA webmaster to provide a weekly newsletter 
  • Amass information from Bobcat News and input relevant information into the newsletter. 
  • Coordinates with Student Involvement Chair to advise PTSA student reporters 
  • Adds Principal’s Corner (sent by Dr. King) to the Newsletter.
  • Adds Boca Raton Library weekly addition (provided by the library).
  • Seeks out information on the Boca High website, Palm Beach School District website, and PTSA or team social media including Instagram (Boca High clubs/teams).  
  • Collects and seeks relevant news for posting.
  • Creates graphics, currently using Canva software.  
  • Shares information with the Website Chair so relevant information is shared and/or added to the calendar
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Nominating Committee Chair

The nominating committee is the only PTA committee that is not appointed by the president. This committee is elected by the membership at least one month prior to the election of officers as described in our bylaws. The committee shall nominate one person for each office to be filled and report its nominees at the election meeting at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. In order to be nominated a person must be a member of the Boca High School PTSA. Only those who have consented to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such office. 


Qualifications: It is recommended that this Chair should serve at least one term as a committee Chair, member or Officer. 

  • Works closely with the Executive Officers to secure Officers and Committee Chairs when positions are needed
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Reflections Campaign Chair

Qualifications: None

  • Coordinates and maintains communication with all school teachers, staff, and advisors to educate and advise on themes, deadlines, and process for student submissions
  • Collects, secures, and submits any and all student submissions for judging at the school, district, and/or state level
  • Arranges for prizes/certificates for school winner(s) and coordinates the distribution of same
  • Coordinates with Administration for schoolwide presentation of event 
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
SAC Liaison

Qualifications: None

  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Scholarship Chair

Qualifications: Detailed and strong organizational skills

  • Promotes and communicates PTSA scholarships
  • Works closely with Student Involvement Chair relative to potential scholarship members participation in PTSA’s  activities
  • Communicates and provides PTSA scholarship recipients to Treasurer
  • Works closely with School administrator in charge of Senior Awards
  • Speaks (give speech) at Senior Awards regarding individual scholarship winner history of service to PTSA
  • Presents PTSA scholarship recipients their check at last general meeting
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Social Media Chair 

Qualifications:  Time for daily posting and a creative mind!

  • Manages and updates all PTSA social media, including Facebook, Instagram & Twitter accounts. 
  • Works with the President, Website Chair, and Newsletter Chair to evaluate information to share on social media.
  • Uses Canva software, or other chosen PTSA software, to create various graphics for our PTSA.  
  • Promotes and communicates PTSA related activities and news on all social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
  • Moderates content and comments to keep a positive tone and in line with district guidelines for appropriate content
  • Responsible for answering and/or approving user posts
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Student Involvement Chair

Qualifications: Detailed and strong organization skills. Basic computer skills.

  • Promotes and communicates student involvement at school
  • Works closely and provides leadership skills to President and Vice President of Student Involvement
  • Oversees monthly student involvement meetings
  • Coordinates and secures student member volunteers for all PTSA functions and fundraisers
  • Records and maintains spreadsheet of all student members volunteer hours within the PTSA
  • Reports student involvement members volunteer hours to school every semester and as needed
  • Supports all student involvement members
  • Provides information to website and newsletter chair regarding student involvement activities
  • Supports Scholarship Chair with student member involvement
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Teacher's Appreciation Chair

Qualifications: None

  • Coordinates Teacher Appreciation events, which includes selecting dates, coordinating food, and favors for teachers and staff
  • Coordinates volunteers to support events for food donations and assisting day of events
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends monthly board meetings
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
VIPS Liaison

The Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) program began in 1972. The VIPS liaison works with the Boca High School VIPS coordinator to communicate upcoming school events where they could use the help of the PTSA communication network (website and social media) to share these volunteer opportunities. The PTSA does not manage all school events.


Qualifications: None

  • Coordinates with Newsletter Chair and President to advise of volunteer needs 
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Attends monthly board meetings
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Website Chair

Qualifications: No qualifications necessary.  If you can type, you can do this job.  There is online video training with the software company and you will have the support of the current website chair.

  • This volunteer serves as the Webmaster of the Boca High PTSA website and is responsible for updating the site starting the summer before the upcoming school year
  • Vets the materials forwarded to them and then posts to the website
  • Posts updates to the website throughout the school year with current information for parents and students
  • Post Board minutes
  • Seeks and posts updated community service opportunities for all students
  • Seeks and posts updated school testing information [ie: AICE, AP, FSA, etc]
  • Posts updates Membership information
  • Posts Board members contact information with embedded email hyperlinks  
  • Posts all Board meeting minutes
  • Works closely with the Fundraising Chair to seek, post, and promote all fundraising efforts by the PTSA
  • Posts updated Membership information
  • Coordinates sharing information with the Social Media Chair and Newsletter Chair
  • Coordinates with administration in obtaining relevant information for website posting
  • Provides and updates hyperlinks for website; 
  • Posts embedded hyperlinks for weekly Bobcat News and weekly PSTA Newsletter 
  • Attends all board and general meetings and give a report
  • Weekly updates on the school calendar.
  • Assists with the end of the year website checklist
  • Responsible for maintaining PTSA web pages framework
  • Train newly elected Website Chair as and when needed
  • Answer editors’ questions and fill in editing when needed
  • Required to support and assist Fundraising Chair 
  • Assists with the June transfer of all association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board
Teacher PTSA Liaison The teacher liaison helps to promote student and staff membership.


Updated: 05/14/2024